Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tobold's great discussion... Peoples destiny has changed

Tobold posted about lowering tank responisbility by boosting threat, great thread, and  great comments and discussion there... but that post talks of the problem and the predictions of the future...

I posted last week what I believe could be a great solution by a new achievement and "attunement" model to impliment...

Because IMO the destination has CHANGED.. so has the journey... the game was built on the destination.. back then it was MC or BT or something.. the journey was through all the gear farming to get there... NOW the gear ilvl is the destination, and the raid zone or PVP venue is the road to get there... It is less epic now...
They are losing repeatedly, more more ground by having and keeping an exclusive club that everyone wants to be a part of... when that club is gone and or everyone is part of it... the game will be done I think.

Now, his post brought about another point in my head that I think I missed completely in that post last week...  Reward for accomplishment... sure you get achieves.. but what about gear???  Hrmmm...

So, make certain gear come only from this achievement system in the instanced events where you compete w/ NPCs for the achieve.  For instance.. your reward could be neck and trinkets... all other trinkets and necks in the game are inferior to those you can buy from a vendor that is opened up with the achieve.  Execpting raid encounters or 2500 rating in PVP or something.  those items are BIS for you an can not be replaced untill you achieve some boss kill or PVP feat... the gear, further rewards the player, in adition to the achievement as well as gates content.  And this gear and achievement start to separate the elitist from the scrubs... they would become your new ilvl, attunement process... if you aint got em you aint raiding... the thing is you can solo obtain them, at any time... there is no backwards progression like kara>Grulls/Mags>SSC>BT progression attunements of BC...

There are two groups in wow for the point of this discussion.. those that have an unearned sense of entitlement, and those that have earned the entitlement...  one group want to hang out with the other, and the other wants nothing to do with the one... Scrubs want to hang w/ the Elitists, and Elitist shun and shit on the scrubs...   This is part of the problem with LFD... and the tank shortage.  Tanks are frequently elitist, and good experienced players that dont want to hang with the scrubs... or carry them, or such... but the LFD forces them to... so they shun it because they are forced to play at unacceptable standards with unacceptable players that have a sense of entitlement to something they have not worked for, are not willing to work for, the only skill they do have is making up excuses as to why they can't or don't or some other crap...   I tank and I surely do not go PUG or LFD much... because of this player >>> Pally leveled ret and choose all of their gear based on their ret needs, then they hit 85 and dont want to wait out the 50min que as dps, so make a holy spec, and piece together a crappy mixed PVP, greens garbage gear set to heal.. w/ a 325 equiped ilvl and overall 348, since they bought cloth drops on the AH to raise their ilvl.   ilvl is broken blizzard....  its simple but does not really work

Attunements as implemented in BC were a great concept, but not flexible for entering late or returning to the game... but they were very effective at screening who did and did not go into the raid zones...   They were very effective at elitist crowds getting an exclusive seat at a high table, and separating themselves from scrubs (like the scrub I certainly was back then)  But I kept playing and I kept working to change my place and join them... that was part of the epic journey, gear was just part of it... but the destination was the raid zone... now the destination is the ilvl, the raid zone is the journey...

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