Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Old habits die hard...

Persistence + Patience + Production + Post + Process + Planning = Profit Platform

Much of this I have said before, each of these aspects has its impact in your gold making business.  But, once you control them in a valuable way, and approach or excede mastering them, there is little to do but more of the same, Hence why I quit the game at a half million.

Events transpired, I bought BOEs geared up a new toon, power level professions on more new toons, supply feasts and cauldrons for the raids out of my own pocket much of the time, give away enchants on gear.. and managed to drop to about 430K from an all time high of 515Kish...

Now, SOMEHOW o.O with no effort directly invested, I have broke the 500K barrier again and I an not really sure how...  I can count about 40K from selling a stock of truegold... stack of 8 for about 5K and I have sold about 6-8 of them, but that does not account for my the rest of it, and the power leveling professions investment... Those lessons I mastered and and implemented to obtain the wealth continue to pay off and make the pile grow again with much less effort, albeit more slowly...

That leaves me with the question of how did I power level professions on a new rogue (mining all via smelting to 225 atm) alchy and enchanting to 300 on the shammy... paid for my budies mining (we are PVPing twinker rogues together) buy gear for raiders, give away enchants in raids...

First, I have not had to buy a lot of stuff, I am a hoarder, and have 2 6 tab Gbanks at my disposal for storage.  Various alts have piles of mats in their banks too...  I have used those mats largely, and thereby cut the costs considerably... as well as as I level the professions, current AH getall scans have helped with Lil sparky's workshop to sell a lot of what is made... and I still have more to sell.. it sells slowly, like 20 scrolls made to level get sold over a period of weeks...  but they sell at a profit frequently, or at least they are often sold at a minimal loss... I also when, its not profitable to sell, will use the "stuff" myself on leveling alts, and chose the lowest cost per to craft...   Cut costs, stockpiling, analysis of markets.... sell for profits...

The old habits are still present, and that means I have the gold to buy lots of stuff for lots of gold, and not care, because a couple hundred gold here and there, does not impact my bottom line...

Its a game and its a lot of fun when you have a lot of gold and can spend it like you just dont care, because you can always get more...

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